Tag: mercúrio

Motion submitted to CONAMA: demands a National Mercury Policy

MOTION 085/2007 – CONAMA (NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL) demands a National Mercury Policy for Brazil

Motion submitted by the NGO APROMAC – Association for the Protection of the Environment of Cianorte (Paraná), approved in 2007. This motion demands a National Mercury Policy for Brazil, which includes several measures to control mercury.  Currently, of the demands contained in the motion, practically none of them have been met by the Brazilian state.

(Portuguese version only)



Emissões Atmosfericas - Relatório Toxisphera

This report is the result of the partnership project (2012) between Toxisphera Environmental Health Association, EcologistasenAcción and Zero Mercury Working Group (ZMWG), with the collaboration of the University of Castilla la Mancha (Almadén, Ciudad Real, Spain). Measurements were made by EcologistasenAcción and the Spanish university, data analysis was done in the Heavy Metal Biogeochemistry Laboratory of the Almadén Polytechnic School of the University Castilla la Mancha, and interpretation of the results was carried out by EcologistasenAcción and the University Castilla la Mancha.

This report was prepared by Toxisphera and ACPO, and briefly describes the sources of mercury emissions into the atmosphere, the health risk from human exposure to this heavy metal, and the methodology of atmospheric mercury emission measurements taken around four large chlor-alkali factories located in Brazil that still use mercury electrolytic cells in their industrial process.  The document also deepens the discussion on the socio-environmental implications of chlor-alkali production.



Mercury Toxic Time bomb


In February 2007, governments agreed to establish an ad hoc working group to study voluntary actions to reduce mercury pollution and international legal instruments. It was recognized that without coordinated international agreements, and adequate financial assistance to address trade, use and environmental impacts, the global mercury crisis would not be addressed. Thus, the global negotiation to build an international treaty based on cooperation among countries was begun. This report was originally prepared for the 22nd Meeting of the United Nations Environment Programme in Nairobi, Kenya.

Original publication available at :  https://freegrassy.net/wp-content/uploads/Mercury_ToxicTimeBomb_Final.pdf

Relatório Mercúrio TIME BOMB_ACPO



The legal framework for mercury in Brazil

The legal framework for mercury in Brazil

This 2010 study was developed during the negotiation process of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, shows a diagnosis of the gaps in the Brazilian legal framework for mercury, and includes a summary analysis of the rules by thematic segments, as well as some brief recommendations. Portuguese version only