Category: Blog

The legal framework for mercury in Brazil

The legal framework for mercury in Brazil

This 2010 study was developed during the negotiation process of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, shows a diagnosis of the gaps in the Brazilian legal framework for mercury, and includes a summary analysis of the rules by thematic segments, as well as some brief recommendations. Portuguese version only



Program: Citizenship and engagement

The projects and activities of this Toxisphera’s program include the following guidelines and objectives:

  • To strengthen the capacities of society groups (CSOs, workers’ unions, women, traditional and indigenous peoples, etc.) to understand risks, impacts and ways of preventing exposure and environmentally sound control of chemicals and wastes
  • Support the formation and participate in the strengthening of citizen networks and alliances to influence locally and nationally the environmentally sound management of chemicals and wastes
  • Contribute to the construction and expansion of knowledge on the national legal framework and the international treaties on chemicals ratified by the Brazilian State.

Program: National governance of public policies for environmentally sound management of chemicals and hazardous waste

In this program, Toxisphera carries out activities and projects especially concerning:

  • Follow-up and advocacy on CONAMA – Brazilian National Environment Council and other technical and political groups of diverse stakeholders and sectors, as well as on federal regulatory agencies.
  • Participation as civil society representative in the National Commission on Chemical Safety (CONASQ) of the Brazilian Ministry of Environment – multisectoral and multi-stakeholder mechanism coordinator of chemical safety policies and international treaties in Brazil.
  • Monitoring compliance with policies and rights to information and participation for the environmentally sound management of chemicals and their waste.



Chemical Treaties and Agreements

Negociação e Implementação de Tratados e Acordos Internacionais


A Toxisphera acompanha e participa das negociações e dos seguintes processos nacionais de implementação dos seguintes Tratados e Acordos Internacionais relativos a substâncias químicas perigosas e resíduos:


  • Convenção de Minamata sobre o Mercúrio


Decreto de Promulgação:



  • Convenção de Estocolmo sobre os Poluentes Orgânicos Persistentes


Decreto de Promulgação:



  • Convenção da Basilea sobre o Controle de Movimentos Transfronteiriços de Resíduos Perigosos e seu Depósito


Decreto de Promulgação:


  • Convenção de Roterdã sobre o Procedimento de Consentimento Prévio Informado para o Comércio Internacional de Certas Substâncias e Agrotóxicos Perigosos


Decreto de Promulgação:



  • SAICM – Enfoque Estratégico para a Gestão Internacional de Substâncias Químicas



  • Tratado Global sobre a Poluição dos Plásticos, incluindo o Ambiente Marinho


Esse tratado está em fase de negociação, tendo sido concluída a primeira sessão de negociação (INC-1) em 2022, em Punta del Este, Uruguai.

Program: International governance of chemicals and wastes

Comprises activities and projects associated with:

Follow-up and advocacy with binding regimes on chemicals and their hazardous waste: Minamata Convention on Mercury, Stockholm Convention on POPs – persistent organic pollutants, Basel and Rotterdam Conventions (the last three are “chemical” conventions, whose Conferences of the Parties – CoPs – are held together).

  • Follow-up and advocacy with binding regimes on chemicals and their hazardous waste: Minamata Convention on Mercury, Stockholm Convention on POPs – persistent organic pollutants, Basel and Rotterdam Conventions (the last three are “chemical” conventions, whose Conferences of the Parties – CoPs – are held together).
  • Follow-up and international advocacy with voluntary processes (no legal binding – soft Law): SAICM and Agenda 2030.
  • Participation and advocacy related to the multilateral negotiation, started in 2022, of a new global treaty on plastic pollution.

Toxisphera’s Programmes

Toxisphera approaches its activities from a programmatic perspective, considering that the challenges of confronting the various major crises (climate, loss of biodiversity, environmental pollution, inequality, poverty, and lack of information for the population) require articulated and comprehensive approaches so that, in the short and medium term, they can generate fair systemic transitions.