Tag: Governança global

International negotiations for a treaty on plastic polutio

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Assunto: INC Plásticos

Título sugerido: A negociação internacional sobre redução da poluição por plásticos
CAT: Atividades (escolher 1 categoria do menu – programas/projetos; atividades, biblioteca, sobre nós; colabore, etc)


Postagem: Descrever quando foi decidido ter um acordo , qual o prazo , INC 1 e INC 2, Links da negociação . Mencionar participação de Toxisphera em iNC 1 e INC 2



Program: International governance of chemicals and wastes

Comprises activities and projects associated with:

Follow-up and advocacy with binding regimes on chemicals and their hazardous waste: Minamata Convention on Mercury, Stockholm Convention on POPs – persistent organic pollutants, Basel and Rotterdam Conventions (the last three are “chemical” conventions, whose Conferences of the Parties – CoPs – are held together).

  • Follow-up and advocacy with binding regimes on chemicals and their hazardous waste: Minamata Convention on Mercury, Stockholm Convention on POPs – persistent organic pollutants, Basel and Rotterdam Conventions (the last three are “chemical” conventions, whose Conferences of the Parties – CoPs – are held together).
  • Follow-up and international advocacy with voluntary processes (no legal binding – soft Law): SAICM and Agenda 2030.
  • Participation and advocacy related to the multilateral negotiation, started in 2022, of a new global treaty on plastic pollution.